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Open House

What is Open House?

At Open House, we talk about our vision, teams, and all that God is doing in and through our church. Open House also gives us all a chance to get to know one another better.

This is the perfect opportunity to get a tour of the building, hear about how you can start serving (whenever you’re ready), and how we’ve gotten to where we are now and our plan for the future! Come join the family!

Dinner provided – just be sure to RSVP.



Life Groups

Life Groups are the essence of connection and community at Genesis Church. Life Groups deepen connection and community in the journey to knowing and being known, serving and being served, loving and being loved, celebrating and being celebrated. We believe no one should do life alone. Life Groups are vital to our emotional and mental health, spiritual growth and relational community.

Types of Groups:

  • Home Groups
    • Home Groups meet in homes located around the Collin County area. These groups meet with the sole purpose of walking through life with people in similar stages and building community with other individuals in Genesis Church.
  • Impact Groups
    • Impact Groups are strategic groups that meet to help people grow in their relationship with Christ or to help make a difference in our community. These include groups such as Bible studies, financial classes, and Divorce Care.
  • Interest Groups
    • Interest Groups give opportunities for those with similar interests to connect by doing what they love. From basketball to scrapbooking, there’s a group for everyone. If we don’t already have a group that fits your interest, consider starting your own!


What is a Life Group?

Life Groups are an exciting way for you to meet and connect with others at Genesis Church! By meeting in homes across the area in a Home Group, having a great time doing something you love in an Interest Group, or making a difference through an Impact Group, our groups provide a great environment for people to engage in meaningful relationships by discovering community and purpose. Life Groups are focused on building relationships, growing together in your walk with God, and praying for one another.

When do Life Groups meet?

Each Life Group is different, so each group has its own time that it meets. Our groups are semester-based. Most Home Groups and Impact Groups meet on a regular basis being weekly or every other week, while Interest Groups typically meet for different events throughout the year. Events and meeting times are displayed on the page for each group.

What about childcare?

Not every group provides childcare but of those that do, some groups offer childcare at the home where they meet while others have childcare at a separate location. When inquiring about a group online, you can ask the leader how their group organizes childcare.

How are Life Groups structured?

Life Groups are comprised of three group types – Home Groups, Impact Groups, and Interest Groups. Home Groups consist of around 12 people who meet regularly in homes all throughout the area. Impact Groups are strategic groups that focus on people growing in their relationship with Christ. Interest Groups are geared towards individuals connecting with others who share the same interests and passions. Groups are available for adults of all ages, stages of life, and spiritual maturity. To get started you will search for a group based on a few criteria (stage of life, interest, location). From there you can read the descriptions of the various groups to find a group that’s a good fit for you.

How can I join a Life Group?

Joining a Life Group is simple and done all online on our website. Click the “JOIN A GROUP” button located at the top of this page. There you can:

1. CHOOSE YOUR GROUP TYPE: Select which type of group you are interested in. By clicking on the type of group you are interested in joining, you can then see a list of the groups available.

2. FIND: Find a Life Group to visit.

3. CONNECT: Connect with the Life Group by contacting the leader if you have any questions or by joining the group and attending the next scheduled event.

What if I do not connect with the group that I visit?

Our goal at Genesis Church is to help you find meaningful relationships in which you can grow. We understand that it may take checking out two or three different groups to find the right fit. With that in mind, we encourage you to give each group a few weeks before trying a new one. It usually takes a few weeks for people to break the ice and begin connecting.

Starting Point

If you’re new to Genesis Church, you’re invited to join our next Starting Point. Starting Point features a complimentary meal for you and your family, lots of table conversation and friendly introductions of our team and ministry leaders. Starting Point is where you’ll learn the direction of Genesis and hear the heart of our Pastor. Starting Point is the first step towards the next step which is Growth Track. 

starting point

Leader Resources

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Leader Log in

Water Baptism

Baptism is the first step of obedience after salvation, but more than that, it’s a celebration of all God is doing in your life! It is a public declaration of what Christ has done privately in your life – the old is gone and you’ve encountered new life. If you haven’t been baptized, we would love for you to celebrate with us at our next celebration!

Dream Team

The Dream Team is our greatest ministry asset. The Dream Team consists of our core volunteers in the areas of ministry, service and care. They integrate hospitality and excellence with everyone from our first-time guests to our online campus. We cannot do ministry without the Dream Team! 

Dream Teamer’s are the icons of heart, commitment and stability at Genesis. This select team of people are always looking to add another passionate team member. Join our Dream Team and make a difference! Click the “Learn More” link to get started!

Kyle on guitar closeup